Virtual OfficeVirtual Office

ICE is currently the industry leader in providing virtual offices for accountants. With ICE Virtual Office, you wil create a work environment where clients, employees, associates, and contractors are in live contact with each other each. They will be accessing and sharing authorized information. Access is possible at any time of the day from any location or computer. Your clients may be posting their bank statements, preparing their invoices and payroll, your employees may be checking, correcting, and assisting. Your associates may join in when you need them to attend your work when you are away or ill. You may have overseas accountants working on your clients' accounts on sub contract. You or your accountants may be finishing off the accounts. The whole office family will be in direct, live, and secure communication with each other, constantly interracting and working as if they are all located in one physical networked office.

HandshakeImmediate Access

You will be provided with a virtual office, with Immediate access to a complete office management and accounting software through internet. You will be allocated sufficient space to accommodate 2000 clients. With cable or ADSL you will have a very fast and cheap access to your virual office.

Officer1Access From Anywhere

With internet access, you will be able to access your virtual office from any computer, anytime, anywhere in the world. Connect to your office from home, hotel, or from an internet cafe. You will have flexibility to manage your office from anywhere, at anytyime.

ComputerAccess to Employees

Provide access to your employees. They can work form home. In fact, they may be located anywhere in the world. You will save office space and you will be able to operate from multiple locations.


ICE Virtual Offices will automatically provide full networked facilities to you. No more expensive cabling. All computers, connected to your Virtual Office, within your physical office, or any other location will be automatically networked with full data sharing, communications, and management facilities. Your virtual office will provide to you an intranet facility. You will be able to operate multiple offices in multiple locations, with all computers connected to one central server.

DiskProgram Management

You will never need to install or update your ICE programs. You will always have access to the latest modules as soon as they become available. This will save your time in following, downloading, and installation of updates.

Officer3Associates & External Contractors

You will be able to give limited access to external accountants, associates or sub contractors, to assist you at the time of need. You will be able to monitor their work and to be in live, on line communication with them. They will be able to ask you questions, you will be able to check their work, correct it, or to have discussions on line. You will be able to employ overseas accountants at very cheap rates to do bulk of your work.

ClientsCash Book Modules for Clients

You will be able to provide space to your clients to post their data into cash books. With internet access, your clients will have access from any computer, anywhere in the world. They will be able to input their financial transactions, maintain a billing and invoicing system, and depending on their sophistication, use many other features of the package, such as payroll, product costing, stock control, etc. They will be able to print out their invoices, pay dockets, simple profit & loss statements, BAS returns, etc. You will be able to monitor and correct their work, roll over their data, with full transactions, into your ledgers module and finalize their accounts. You will be able to support your client's invoicing, collection of accounts receivables, payroll, etc when they are short of staff, etc.

WorldOpen up to the World

You will have full on line communication facilities with your employees, clients, associates, and your external contractors. You will be able to employ accounting service providers in overseas without any inconveniences. You will be able to take over and continue the work of any external accountant without any hassles. You can terminate the access of any person anytime you wish. You will be able to employ very capable accountants in overseas for incomparable cost. This is where the accounting industry is heading. If you miss the current developments, you may be priced out.

ChairManagement in Absentia

ICE provides extensive management facilities, such as job scheduling, employee performance budgets and monitoring, record of time each employee commences and finishes work, who he has worked on and what he has done at what time. With full on line communications, facilities to send out instructions, have chats and conferences, and actually check out the actual work done, enables you to manage your office without having physical contact with your employees.

Officer4Professional Back Up

Your data will be backed up daily by the service providers. An external backup is performed weekly. You wil be able to obtain a CD containing all programs and all of your data weekly, fortnightly, or monthly as you choose. The CD will containing a fully functioning package and all of your data. Copying this CD on any computer will provide you a fully operational package containg all of your data. As soon as faster data upload facilities become available, you will also be able to download the same from Acpac or your own Web site.

Officer5Access Rights & Security

ICE provides facilities to limit or grand access rights to clients files, programs, functions, and communication channels to other users. For each Virtual Office, the program provides up to 999 users accounts and up to 9999 clients files each with unique rights and access allocations. Accessing the program is restricted by passwords and user names. ICE employs a binary data base developed uniquely for ICE products.


ICE provides a very advanced communications package. You send a message and it immediately pops out in the screen of the adressee person. If the person is not connected, the message will be kept and presented to him as soon as he connects and whereever he connects. A message can be destroyed or clicked and placed into the tasks lists, with or without reminders. You may choose to chat with another user and you may invite other users to join into the chat, creating a conference environment. You may write and send out bulletins, memos, office policy statements to a selected group, everyone, or to selected individuals. You can do these and others can join in from any computer anywhere in the world.